Firefighter disorientation, which is loss of one’s direction due to the lack of visibility in a structure fire, is one of firefighting’s most serious hazards. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), it typically precedes a firefighter fatality.”
-Professional Firefighter
As a 23-year veteran professional firefighter, Jason was a tad skeptical of gadgetry on the fireground (burn buildings, training tower, etc.). It's his experience that there are no substitutes for being fit, knowing the hazards of the profession, and executing solid fire ground tactics—that is, until several of his friends died on the job.
Details on the specific events of each of the three fit, experienced, and highly capable firefighter's deaths is beyond the scope of this review. However, disorientation plays a significant role in the deaths of those brave men and the efforts that dozens of equally capable firefighters put into their failed rescues.