ADS | C5ISR Equipment & Capabilities | ADS, Inc.
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Reliable communication and real-time situational awareness can neutralize threats, but it requires cutting-edge technology. With best-in-class C5ISR equipment, the warfighter can track troop movements in real-time on today's battlefield. Emergency responders arriving at active shooter situations can coordinate efforts between federal, local and state police as well as inform healthcare professionals of inbound casualties. 

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    C5ISR products

  • 350+

    C5ISR suppliers


We bring the best in new and emerging tech to our customers, whether communications, IT, or ISR.

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In today's fast-paced and fluid OPTEMPO, information is critical to success on the battlefield. Real-time actionable data minimizes risk to forward military personnel and increases mission readiness. From SATCOM terminals to tactical radios, ADS works with suppliers to offer a wide variety of unique solutions to enhance every aspect of communication and connectivity across the DOD C5ISR architecture. 



  • Information Technology & Systems (IT)

  • Satellite Communications (SATCOM)

  • Tactical Communications (TCOM)

  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

  • Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS)

  • Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance Equipment and Systems

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Today’s warfighters and front line personnel must leverage best-in-class C2 technologies to execute mission assignments based on a range of real-time, disparate data. The dissemination and presentation of this information is mission critical. Having the right tools - from software to hardware - is essential to push and pull data across the communication infrastructure, allowing for timely and precise decision making.

  • Tactical operation

  • Centers (TOC) Suites

  • Rugged Systems & Displays

  • Storage and Networking

  • Client Devices

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Internet-connected devices tuned for battlefield operations require high-speed data and near-perfect connectivity - certainly under enemy jamming, hacking, and offensive attacks. High-capacity satellite systems allow users to send orders, receive reports, and even teleconference with troops on the ground. SATCOM terminals provide troops access to reach anyone from anywhere.

  • Land Mobile Devices

  • Secure Tactical Systems SATCOM


  • MESH Network

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Providing situational awareness to Federal Law Enforcement and DOD personnel in the field is critical to neutralizing threats. Demanding operational environments require highly automated systems and the latest technology. Real-time, video and surveillance showcase a comprehensive operating picture to end users while new ISR assets streamline previously redundant manual searches with on demand actionable intelligence to decision makers in the field.

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Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) commonly referred to as drones, have demonstrated their value in combat operations on today's battlefield. Increasingly, drones and drone technology have become ubiquitous in a multitude of roles. As drone availability, affordability, and technology continue to surge, ADS remains an agile force for research, development, and acquisition to connect customers with the best UAS solutions to meet their requirements. 

ADS offers a full spectrum of unmanned systems, from nano to long-range, allowing users to respond to challenges that lie ahead quickly and safely. Solutions include:

  • NANO

  • QUAD

  • GROUP 1

  • GROUP 2

  • GROUP 3

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The proliferation of drones in the hands of private operators organizations and unfriendly nations has spurred the development of anti-drone systems that are versatile scalable, and available immediately.
There isn’t a single drone technology, countering both commercial and military drone technologies requires a layered approach.
ADS vendors offer purpose-built solutions used by military law, law enforcement, prison, and physical security personnel to protect military installations, control posts, critical infrastructure, prison facilities, and public gathering venues. Counter UAS capabilities include:

  • Detect and track drones in your area of operations through radar, radiofrequency (RF), electro-optics infrared (EO/IR), or even acoustics.

  • Take control of the unauthorized drone using cyber takeover.

  • Break communication between drone and controller via electronic attack with a directional jammer.

  • Capture drones through use of kinetic effectors.

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The Department of Defense's Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) warfighting initiative enables the Joint Force and Mission Partners to keep pace with the volume and complexity of communications on the battlefield. The CJADC2 mission command architecture provides seamless integration between the latest technology and existing secure waveforms, while allowing immediate communication with anyone, anywhere. CJADC2 requires the Joint Force to seize, maintain and protect data in order to facilitate a decision-making advantage over near-peer adversaries.

With this, it remains extremely challenging for deployed service members to communicate and network team-internal, with command authorities, and mission partners - in both permissive and non-permissive environments.

ADS leverages its ability to field rapidly emerging technology to merge products from multiple suppliers and integrate them seamlessly with legacy systems.

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As a leading solutions, integrator, ADS has delivered a diverse set of Information System solutions. From design to delivery, we manage and execute complex information systems projects by partnering with industry leading solution providers, as well as cutting edge technology companies to meet the diverse needs of the modern battle in addition to the experience and process ensure a secure supply chain and compliant delivery process that minimizes time to value for our customers.


Systems include:

  • Advanced Technologies (AI/MO, Autonomous Systems, and Cyber Capabilities etc,)

  • Mission Critical Operational/Tactical Networking

  • Mission Critical Communication Solutions

  • Network Modernization

  • Edge Computing and Secure Connectivity

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