ADS | How the Vita Rescue System Revolutionized Helicopter Rescues

How the Vita Rescue System Revolutionized Helicopter Rescues


How the Vita Rescue System Revolutionized Helicopter Rescues

‍Airborne and maritime rescues are often the most dangerous parts of military missions and require navigating through tight spaces, like canyons and valleys. Helicopters are utilized more frequently than fixed-wing aircraft for this very reason.

It’s not enough simply to lower human-sized stretchers down to wounded soldiers and have on-the-ground military staff help raise them up. Helicopter operators need a complete load stabilization system.

Helicopter operators’ success in the military depends on how fast they can get back to base or headquarters, as well as how quickly they can be sent out again if need be. Vita’s technology empowers safe soldier retrieval with minimal risk involved. Keep reading to learn more about how Vita Inclinata’s helicopter rescue system revolutionized this critical military need.

Why Helicopter Rescue Basket Systems Are Necessary

Despite their greater flight range and fuel capacity, fixed-wing aircraft can only fly forward. Helicopters can fly in all directions, giving them much greater maneuverability and velocity control.

This makes helicopters the only option for evacuation in remote areas. Rescue missions also may occur during inclement weather, in enemy territory, or in areas with poor radio reception. The less gear and personnel rescue teams have to bring into these scenarios, the better. So, compact rescue equipment is paramount.

Vita perfected the helicopter rescue basket system for load stability, remote operability, long-lasting battery life, and space-saving storability. Let’s look at each of these leading features in greater detail.

1. Eliminates Spin in Less Than Three Seconds

Since helicopters are smaller and easier to maneuver than fixed-wing aircraft, they’re also at risk of spinning out of control, including their airborne attachments. Rescue staff must have maximum stability when lowering the basket and rescue system.

That’s why Vita’s helicopter rescue basket eliminates spin in less than three seconds. This ensures the rescue system is ready the moment the soldier on the ground or in the water is getting loaded onto the stretcher. Three seconds may not seem like much time to begin with, but fractions of a second matter when soldiers have to be rescued in severe weather or near impossible-to-reach locations.

2. Rescue System Is Remotely Operable up to 1,000 Feet Away

Most fixed-wing aircraft can go as high as the atmosphere allows, which is anywhere between 60,000 to 80,000 feet (though some pilots have set records as high as 85,000+ feet). Helicopters fly at significantly lower altitudes, between 10,000 to 15,000 feet, a compelling reason they’re used to conduct aerial rescues that are much closer to the ground crew.

A low altitude aircraft combined with remotely operable airlift technology is a recipe for a successful rescue. Vita’s rescue system is remotely controllable from up to 1,000 feet away, which is more than enough range once the helicopter is in-field and approaching the individual being rescued.

Whether you’re headed into a heavily forested region, the middle of the ocean, or ice-covered mountains, Vita’s remotely operable rescue technology has you covered. Your team will accomplish their rescues in record time with minimal complications.

3. Powered by Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

Military staff need to know the equipment they use is as ruggedized as their training and drills are. That’s why Vita Inclinata uses lithium iron phosphate batteries in all of their helicopter rescue systems.

There are several advantages lithium iron phosphate batteries offer over other types of batteries. Here are a few:

  • Up to 10x longer lifespan. Lithium ion phosphate batteries can last up to 10,000 charging cycles as compared to regular lithium ion batteries, which only last up to 1,000 cycles. Vita’s batteries also offer four to 16 hoists per charging cycle.

  • Strong temperature protection. Soldiers work in extremely hot and cold temperatures regularly and must rely on their gear providing the same resilience. Vita’s batteries are unaffected by significant temperature fluctuations, even during heavy use.

  • Zero maintenance needed. Lithium ion phosphate batteries don’t need to be maintained at all. Once you have them all you need to do is charge them and plug them into your unit.

  • Fast recharging and cold swappable. Vita’s rescue system batteries can be fully charged in one to two hours and they’re also cold swappable. That means the operator needs to turn off their charging device before disconnecting the battery pack to ensure it’s ready to go.

4. Safely and Conveniently Storable

Helicopters are much smaller and lighter than fixed-wing aircraft, which means every object taken onboard needs to be part of the mission. Vita’s helicopter rescue tech has a collapsible design, which means it can be expanded for use and collapsed again when it’s being stored.

This is a noteworthy factor where weight limits and equipment operability are crucial for mission success. Military rescue missions are also often mid- to long-range, which means rapid movement is critical as soon as soldiers reach the rescue site. The faster the rescue system can be prepared and deployed, the faster the wounded individual can be retrieved.

The Bottom Line

Since the military can conduct rescue missions more safely and efficiently in a helicopter than a fixed-wing aircraft, it’s essential to have equipment that’s built for helicopter operators. Vita Inclinata’s rescue systems offer the same spin reduction, battery life, and collapsibility whether you’re flying near mountains or over the open sea.

Request a Vita quote now or contact us if you have more detailed questions.


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