EIN Federal Tax ID: 54-1867268
DUNS ID:027079776
EIN 54-1867268
DUNS 027079776
BPA contracts establish a communication path between the customer, the contracting office, and the potential vendor for future use. Once established, you can expect a rapid turn-around on delivery with no minimum purchase requirement.
- No minimum purchase
- No funding to initiate
- Quick turn-around
Did you know?
The Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR 13.303) establishes BPAs as a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services—so exact items, quantities, and delivery requirements do not need to be known in advance.
BPA contracts establish a communication path
ADS has more than a decade of experience reviewing and responding to Requests for Proposals and developing Blanket Purchase Agreements. The FAR (13.303) establishes BPAs as a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services. Exact items, quantities and delivery requirements do not need to be known in advance.